National School Breakfast Programme

Holy Rosary Catholic Primary Academy has joined the governmentā€™s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Bagel Breakfast, to ensure that all our children start the day with a nutritious breakfast.

The concept behind the Bagel Breakfast is to ensure that all children have had a healthy breakfast prior to commencing their learning, giving them a settled start to the day. There is a significant amount of research showing a positive link between children having breakfast and improved learning outcomes compared to those that do not eat before school.

A survey of schools currently receiving Bagel Breakfast has shown:

96 per cent reported that their breakfast provision had led to improved energy levels/alertness amongst the pupils that had participated

92 per cent reported that their breakfast provision had led to improved concentration levels amongst the pupils that had participated

91 per cent reported that their breakfast provision had led to improved educational attainment levels, for the pupils who had received it

