At Holy Rosary Catholic Primary Academy, we believe that school uniform plays a vital role in underpinning a sense of community amongst our school family. All children are expected to wear a school uniform.
All items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Uniform List
Item |
Details |
Sweatshirt or cardigan
Brown round-necked jumper or cardigan (school logo optional).
White shirt or blouse *
Yellow polo shirt
Plain white shirt or blouse (to be worn with a school tie).
* Encouraged for Year 6 pupils as preparation for secondary school
Yellow polo shirt (school logo optional)
Brown with yellow diagonal stripes. (Elasticated or non-elasticated)
Grey in colour. Not lycra, leggings or fashion trousers.
Grey in colour. Knee length.
Pinafore dresses
Grey in colour. Knee length.
Black in colour. Smart and low-heeled. No trainers or sandals.
Socks/ tights
Boys: Grey socks;
Girls: White socks or grey tights
Summer uniform amendments (Optional; Summer term only) |
Girls: Yellow school dress (knee length)
Boys: Grey shorts (knee length)
P.E. Kit/Tracksuit
On their allocated days for P.E., children must come to school wearing their P.E. kit and a dark, plain tracksuit.
School P.E. kit consists of:
Please note: All jewellery must be removed by the parent/child for Physical Education lessons.
Jewellery/Fashion Items
- No jewellery allowed except for a watch and only small, plain studs if children have pierced ears. These need to be removed on PE days.
- Watches – to be simple analogue or digital one. No smart watches or Fitbits.
Hair and Hairstyles
- This school like many others does not allow ‘extreme’ haircuts or hairstyles.
- Long hair should be tied back if it is longer than shoulder length.
- Hair accessories should be modest, discreet and either in dark colours or yellow.
- ‘Extreme’ haircuts/styles include shaved patterns/lines/notches and spiked hair (more than 4cm in length). Shaved hair should be no shorter than a grade 2.
- Hair dye is not allowed.
- No nail varnish is allowed.
These may be worn for religious reasons but must be in simple colours – navy blue, black, or white
Seasonal Garments
- During summer, we encourage children to bring a sun hat.
- During winter, we encourage children to bring a warm coat, gloves and hats.
- A suitable coat is required all year round.
Other Equipment
All children are encouraged to bring a bag to carry their reading book and other items in. This should be small enough to fit into their locker.
Children who have packed lunches will need a lunch box.
All children require a water bottle with their name on it.
Where to Buy our Uniform
Holy Rosary uniform is stocked by several suppliers to provide parents with a range of choices and ensure that best value can be obtained. Moreover, generic, non-branded items are readily available in supermarkets, other shops and online.

Crested Schoolwear (Wolverhampton)
Units 26/27, Wulfrun Shopping Centre, Wolverhampton, WV1 3HG
Tel: 01902 593030
Second-hand Uniform
School also provides an affordable option to parents by selling second-hand uniform items. There are regular events throughout the year where uniform is sold and we encourage parents of children that leave Holy Rosary to return school-specific items to use for resale. Parents can also request a second-hand uniform item by contacting our office, who will check the stock we have available.