Wolverhampton is an area of high childhood obesity rates compared to national averages.Ā 

As a school, we work hard to support parents in making healthy lifestyle choices for their families. We educate children about living a physically and mentally healthy life, particularly through our P.E., P.S.H.E. and Science curriculums, as well as visits to school from external speakers (such as the school nursing team).Ā 

The role of parents in keeping their children healthy and active is crucial. This section contains some information that you may find useful about promoting good physical and mental health.

If you would like any specific support, then please speak to Mr Jewkes.







Out of school sports and activities

Participation and recommended clubs:Ā https://www.soccercoaching2000.co.uk/

Gifted and talented- list of approved sports clubs and coaching:Ā https://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/sports-and-leisure/sports-clubs-and-coaching