Catholic Social Teaching is based on the belief that God has a plan for creation, a plan to build his kingdom of peace, love and justice.

Writings by Popes and Catholic leaders show how the Catholic faith can guide our response to these issues.

It holds that God has a special place in this story for each of us, whoever we are.
Our part in this plan isnā€™t just limited to things ā€˜spiritualā€™, or things we might do on Sundays, but that it involves every aspect of our lives, from the things we pray about, to how we live as a responsible global citizens.

Our part in this story is a kind-of vocation for the common good, a call to treat everyone as your brothers and sisters and is something that we all share.

ā€œCatholic social teaching is fundamental to tackling world issuesā€ (Pope Francis)
At St Mary Immaculate we ensure that these teachings are taught and practised throughout all aspects of our school life and beyond.

The 7 Main Principles are:

Life and Dignity of the Human Person

We all have dignity because we are created in Godā€™s image.

What is one thing that is wonderful about you? Can you think of ways we can respect the dignity of others?

Care for Godā€™s Creation

This is about protecting people and the planet. We must consider how our actions can affect the environment.

What can we do to protect earth and people in it?

Family, Community and Participation

This means all people have the right to participate in society and to seek the common good, which means the good for all.

Why is your family and other communities important to you?

Rights and Responsibilities

This challenges us to protect the rights of all people. Everyone has a right to life and should have a say.

What responsibilities do we have for the larger society?

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

This means to help those who need it the most. Due to divisions of the rich and poor, we are called to put the needs of the poor first.

Who are the most vulnerable in our society? How can we help them?

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

All people work in some way because work is more than making a living, itā€™s participating. Therefore, jobs and pay should be fair for everyone.

How can we protect the rights of workers?


We are all one human family. By promoting peace and justice, we can bring the community together and live in unity

When have you depended on someone else? When has someone depended on you?

(Produced by Catholic Childrenā€™s Society and Catholic Relief Services)

Catholic Social Teaching in 3 minutes | CAFOD

Catholic Social Teaching in 3 minutes is a fast-paced animation from CAFOD introducing CST for young people.